Vote in Honor of a Veteran
Vet the Vote is partnering with the U.S. Vote Foundation on a new campaign to encourage Americans to participate in Vote in Honor of a Veteran programs this election. Currently 16 states, along with counties in Florida and South Carolina, run programs where voters can indicate that they are voting for a veteran or service-member. In 2024, two states, New Hampshire and Mississippi, launched new Vote in Honor of a Veteran programs.
When voters participate in these programs, they can help honor the memory or current service of those who have worn the uniform. Such programs help underscore how voting is a patriotic civic action that service-members and their families have fought to defend throughout history.
U.S. Votes Foundation
The U.S. Vote Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit that works to ensure every citizen has open access to voter information and the ability to easily engage in self-governance and civic life. To see if your state offers a program, click the link below.